Saturday, March 27, 2010

The loot

From the day we first told anyone we're pregnant, we've received SO MANY things from friends and families. Gifts of clothes (both gently used and new), baby gear, books, it's been overwhelming at times :)

In my crazy mind, a part of me was worried that because we are one of the last of our friends to start a family, we would be "just another pregnancy" to people.

I'll explain:

During our wedding planning, I felt this way too. We were the first of our friends to start dating and we were the last to get married. I wondered if any of our college friends would attend since we married 3 years after I graduated AND the wedding was held in St. Louis (we went to college in Lexington, KY). Everyone else married before we did. Being the selfish person I can sometimes be, I worried that because there were a number of weddings prior to ours, our friends would tire of weddings and we would be "just another wedding" they had to attend.

It didn't turn out that way. At. All.

Our wedding was more than I could have ever dreamed. We have the best family and friends. Over 30 of our college friends drove 4 hours (or more), many flew in from out of state, paid for 1-2 nights at the hotel, all so they could see Hubs and I say our vows. We knew that our wedding was special for us; our family and friends made it very clear that it was special to them as well.

This pregnancy is no different. Bubs is not the first grand baby on either side of the family; Bubs isn't the first girl; Bubs isn't the first boy.

But, again, family and friends are making it perfectly clear that Bubs isn't "just another baby" in their lives. They are proving that my crazy thoughts were just those, crazy thoughts. Nothing more.

I love our family and friends!

And, apparently, they love BUBS!

They express their love through much more than material items, but I can't take pictures of their unconditional support and love :) I can, however, take pics of the loot!

There are also several books from the in-laws (in addition to some of the clothes above), but those are upstairs and well, I'm lazy :)

My little sister also gave us stacks of clothes and diapers, but those are currently in the washing machine (the clothes, not the diapers :) ).

I can't wait for the furniture to arrive tomorrow so I can start filling up those drawers with this cuteness :)

Until then, XOXO....


  1. Tomorrow? The furniture is coming tomorrow? Can't wait to see how you decorate!

  2. We recently got Sofie too and Vi really likes it. It is similar to a dog toy though, so you may want to watch out for Cooper.

  3. I'm jealous you already have that giraffe teether thing. I have heard it's like crack to a teething baby :)
